Facilities where you can enter

Eye catch: Facilities where you can enter

1. The facilities where you can leave your child differ depending on whether or not there is a reason for needing childcare and the age of the child.

1) Children from 1 to XNUMX years old who have no reason <* XNUMX> to require childcare
> You can receive support such as temporary custody.

2) Children aged 3 to 5 who do not need childcare
> Kindergarten and certified children's institution (No. XNUMX certification)

3) Children aged 1 to XNUMX who have a reason <* XNUMX> that requires childcare
> It will be a nursery school and a certified child institution (No. XNUMX certified)

4) Children from 1 to 0 years old who have a reason <* 2> that requires childcare
> It will be a nursery school and a certified child institution (No. XNUMX certified)

<* 1> Reasons required for childcare
The parent who entrusts the child must meet one of the following items.
・ Working more than 64 hours a month
・ Pregnancy and childbirth (mother is pregnant and before and after childbirth)
・ The guardian is injured or has a disability (the guardian is ill or injured)
・ Nursing for the sick and elderly living together (nursing and nursing for family members living together)
・ Disaster recovery measures (fire, earthquake, storm and flood damage recovery work)
・ I am in school (going to school)
・ I am looking for a job (looking for a job)
・ During childcare leave

Toyohashi City Hall Childcare Division Phone 0532-51-2322
Contact Form https://bit.ly/2ZuyGCv
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